God said, “It’s not good for the Man to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion.” Gen 2:18

God Given Helper

When the first man could not find the helper suitable for him among any of God’s creatures, He realized the necessity of Adam to have a companion who would serve as a helper: “God said, ‘It’s not good for the Man to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion.” (Gen 2:18). Not only the evil seduced woman to disobey God, and to be thrown away from His Garden, it still continues to convince her not to accept the role ordained by God; hence Paul reinforces and states, “Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man” (1 Cor 11:9). There can be no greater blessing a man can have, than to find a wife who realizes her vocation to be a helper to her man, and remain a blessing to him, as wise man Solomon declares: “He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the LORD” (Prov 18:22). Let’s pray for the mankind that it may realize the wisdom behind this mystery of God, who created the entire universe.


Abba, thank You for teaching us to know our roles and responsibilities. Let Your Spirit give us wisdom to abide by Your law. In Jesus’ Most Holy Name, Amen.