And our Lord poured out his abundant grace on me and gave me the faith and love which are ours in union with Christ Jesus. 1 Tim 1:14

His Abundant Grace

Even though he went around all over the world to proclaim the gospel, Paul gives the entire credit to the grace that was showered exceedingly great on him: “And our Lord poured out his abundant grace on me and gave me the faith and love which are ours in union with Christ Jesus” (1 Tim 1:14). Our lives and missions can be truly meaningful and successful only when we realize the importance of grace that is showered on us, and let it manifest for the benefit of our own salvation and that of the mankind. Hence Paul urges us to be careful about keeping and appreciating His abundant grace: “In our work together with God, then, we beg you who have received God’s grace not to let it be wasted” (2 Cor 6:1). 


Abba, thank You for pouring out the abundant grace upon us. Let Your Spirit help us remain grateful and live accordingly. In Jesus’ Most Wonderful Name, Amen.