Then Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man told him, “Rabbouni, I want to see again.” Mk 10:51

Specific Prayer Answered

The blind beggar Bartimaeus, sitting by the road of Jericho, heard that Jesus was passing by, and attempted to get His attention twice by shouting, “Jesus! Son of David! Take pity on me!” (Mk 10:48). Bartimaeus knew what others could do, so he only asked them for money; but he had a conviction that Jesus could heal him of his blindness, thus he had a specific prayer to Him: “Then Jesus asked him, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ The blind man told him, ‘Rabbouni, I want to see again.’" (Mk 10:51). As he believed, he got healed and was applauded by Jesus: “Jesus told him, ‘Go. Your faith has made you well.’ At once the man could see again, and he began to follow Jesus down the road” (Mk 10:52). May we know who can heal us of our sicknesses and help us with our needs, and approach Him with the faith and specific prayers that bring definite answers from God.


Abba, thank You for encouraging us by answering our specific prayers. Let Your Spirit help us articulate our needs in prayer, and get them answered. In Jesus’ Most Powerful Name, Amen.