Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold Wondrous things out of thy law. Ps 119:18

Eyes Be Brilliant

Having eyes do not guarantee that we perceive the marvelous things that surround us with mysteries inexplicable. It needs divine grace to perceive and ponder the wonderful things that are revealed and recorded in the Holy Book that we are privileged to hold. That is why, the psalmist sighs out a prayer that reveals the desire and passion he had for the astonishment of His Laws: “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold Wondrous things out of thy law.” (Ps 119:18) Realizing the shortness of the span of life we have, alone would sufficiently motivate us to unravel the mysteries that are kept for the benefit of our life on earth. David was well aware of his limitedness, and hence cries out to Him to reveal the secrets that need explanation: “My life on earth is so brief, so tutor me in the ways of your wisdom.” (Ps 119:19) May all of us, the temporary dwellers on earth, be moved by the swiftness of the time that passes, plead that God may lead us through the teachings that enrich our boarding here.


Abba, Thank You for creating in us passion for Your teachings. Let Your Spirit amuse us with the wonders that usher us to the knowledge that is our due, In Jesus’ Most Wonderful name, Amen.