God thunders wondrously with His voice; He does great things beyond our comprehension. Job 37:5-6

He does great things

God thunders wondrously with His voice;

He does great things beyond our comprehension.

“For to the snow He says, ‘Fall to the earth,’ and

to the torrential rain—be a mighty downpour of rain.

Job 37:5-6


He does great things


God thunders

—when we read the Old Testament books, especially when He was talking to Moses and to the congregation of Israel, His Voice thundered. People were terrified. We are living in a world where the worldly want to silence the voice of justice, the voice of mercy, the voice of righteousness, the voice that speaks the truth.


It has always been the case from the beginning of the world, it has been the way the world behaves, always suppresses the prophets, God’s messengers and their messages, including Jesus; that’s why they wanted to get away with Him at any cost. But this verse gives us hope, gives me hope. 


He thunders wondrously with His voice; 

—people who soft-pedal towards injustice, wants me, or you also, to be speaking soft. They are vicious vipers, cunning. God’s people always speak boldly. They came before people, they came before kings, they came before false prophets, and they raised their voices. 

Think about John the Baptist, he wasn’t afraid. Think about Prophet Nathan, he wasn’t afraid. These men were courageous enough to point out to the rulers of their evil actions. The verse continues.


He does great things beyond our comprehension. 

—people since they have some kind of power and authority on this planet, called the earth, they think they will always win. I choose not to believe in this lie. I believe in God who does great things beyond our comprehension. 

The so-called emperor of Egypt, then the mighty king pharaoh, believed that he could suppress the voice of the prophet, but God did great things, suppressed him, humbled him, crushed his army in the middle of the sea. Believe, God will do that.


“For to the snow He says, ‘Fall to the earth,’ 

—In the Book of Genesis, we see how the element of water, at the command of God, got separated. And at the command of God, poured from the above, and destroyed the entire mankind, except the man who had his own personal weakness of drunkenness and other things, but chose to believe the plan of God and did all that he could. Noah, only he and his family, along with him, the chosen creatures of God, assigned in his care, only they were spared. 


to the torrential rain, “Be a mighty downpour of rain.”

—the world is not yet learning the power of water, and the power behind water. It is God who created. When He sends, where He sends, whatever precautions you might have, you will see in the coming days, again and again. 


He created everything out of nothing, and He knows how to handle these creatures. The world has to surrender before God, and His Beloved, Prophets, His Servants. 


I believe things are going to happen very soon, as His chosen ones are crushed beyond their capacity to manage and comprehend. For they cry and weep, day and night, not knowing what is going on in their personal life and the roundabout. 


Abba, let the world hear Your Thunderous Voice, Wondrous. Be merciful to me, a sinner. Kindly tell the snow, “Fall to the earth,” and to the torrential rain, “Be a mighty downpour of rain,” and cleanse the face of the earth of all evil, filth, corruption, injustice. Let your reign be established…, include me, a sinner, and people I love the most. In Jesus’ Most Compassionate Name, Amen. ”


May God bless all of us, who are awaiting His Son’s Second Coming, trusting and hoping amidst situations that crushes our hope. Let His Name be praised, Amen.